World Teachers' Day - A Tribute

World Teachers' Day 2018

A Tribute To Teachers

Every Fifth of the October, We, The world celebrates teachers' day. As I know it is one of the most special day for all the teachers. In Teacher's Day, we recognize the sacrifices that all of the teachers have done. Teachers who played a part in the shaping of who we are right now. 

Teacher's Day is the day when we pay tribute and give honor to our loving school teachers. It is the moment to show the gratitude, it is the day to thank them for what we are and what we will be.

For me teacher are not just a teacher. Teacher is more than an educator. Teacher can be a friend, mentor and even a parent. Teachers are the one who guide us on our path and through life itself.

First of all I would like to thank every teachers of mine for what they have contribute to who I am today. You all molded my personality and made me into the individual that I become. You all taught me anything useful not just in academic subject but in every aspect of life that turned me into a better person. You all convey knowledges, skills and wisdoms that enrich my live. You all are the one who makes me capable of facing and solving the challenges and problems that comes my way. I always admire many of you, my teachers but I seldom let you all know how I appreciate all of the things you have done for me, us. You all selflessly continue to show the light to us, un mindful of receiving any credit or applaud. 

With World Teachers' Day in just a few days, on October 5, I learned that I should always appreciate and acknowledge you all teachers because there is no better time to appreciate and acknowledge all the things you have done to me, us. 

And there is no better day than Teacher's Day to show how thankful I am for all the things you have done not just with me but with all of the students you handled. Thank You!
Happy Teachers' Day to all the teachers!

Please hear this song out.